巴西女艺术家海伦娜·穆勒的绘画作品融入了纸上拼贴与一氧化外表的水彩技术。这项技术引发了一个占据主导地位的模棱两可的重叠性和透明性的话题。通过这种方式,她建立了一种持续神秘和不断质疑的氛围,这种氛围消除了将艺术品作为整理来“细细欣赏”的简洁活动和“专心观看”的更刺激的复杂活动;同时并入了徘徊在闪耀度和不透明度之间的对话主题的审美过程。海伦娜·穆勒(1953年出生于巴西,圣保罗),建筑学专业毕业,并在1978年开始她的视觉艺术活动。她曾参加了像沃尔特·利维,伊利·布埃诺,诺韦尔托·斯托里,乌比拉雅拉·里贝罗,埃万德罗雅尔丁等巴西著名艺术家的工作室。自1989年以来,她一直致力于水彩技巧活动的学习,生产和研究。海伦娜·穆勒致力于在通过参加巴西和国外的集体展览来传播她的作品。她曾参加以下展览会:第八届国际水彩画双年展(墨西哥),国际水彩画四年期巡展(圣保罗州和巴拉那州),巴西—威尼斯的巡回展览(威尼斯、罗马,米兰和圣保罗),巴西500周年博览会(法兰克福),巴西--匈牙利(索普隆和布达佩斯),巴西--墨西哥96水彩画(国家博物馆水彩画特区),伊比利亚德水彩画双年展(第五届、智利),以及其他沙龙和艺术展览。最近,她参加了由北京文化发展基金会赞助的在北京798艺术区举办的“中巴对话----巴西艺术家联展”。The paintings of artist Helena Muller incorporate watercolor techniques on paper mixed with a collage of oxidized appearances. These techniques generate a dialogue in which ambiguous overlapping and transparencies are predominant. In this way,she establishes an atmosphere of constant mystery and questioning which abolishes the limits between the succinct activity of the careful “appreciation“ of an artwork as a whole and the more stimulating complex activity of an “attentive look“, which incorporates to it an aesthetical procedure lingering between the conversational themes of brilliance and opacity.Personal information about the artist is as follows:Helena Muller (Born: Sao Paulo, Brazil,1953):Graduated in architecture and started her activities in visual arts in 1978. She has attended studios of famous Brazilian artists like Walter Levy, Ely Bueno,Norberto Stori, Ubirajara Ribeiro, Evandro Jardim,among others. She has been focusing her activities on watercolor techniques by dedicating herself to its study,production, and research since 1989.Helena Muller is devoted to the diffusion of her artworks by participating in collective exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. She has participated in the following exhibitions: VIII Bienal Internacional de la Acuarela (Mexico), I Quadrienal Internacional de Aquarela (ininerant exhibition in S. Paulo state and Parana state), Brasil-Agua-Acqua-Venezia,(itinerant exhibition in Venice, Rome, Milan and S.Paulo), Exposicao 500 anos de Brasil (Frankfurt), Brazil-Hungria (Sopron and Budapest), Aquarela Brazil-Mexico 96 (National Museum of Watercolour DF), I Bienal Iberoamericana de Acuarela (V. del Mar-Chile), among other salons and art exhibits.Most recently,she participated in the Exhibition: Dialogue> Connecting Brazil + China,in the 798 District located in Beijing, China,sponsored by the Beijing Cultural Development Foundation.